Asian Women In Business (AWIB)

Education, Economic Opportunity

Geography: United States

Founded: 1995


42 Broadway
New York, NY 10004

About Asian Women In Business (AWIB)

Founded in 1995, Asian Women In Business (AWIB) is the only non-profit, tax-exempt organization in the country with the primary mission of assisting Asian women entrepreneurs.

Over the years, AWIB, a dynamic organization, has expanded its mission to address issues affecting Asian Americans on the corporate level; and has established a scholarhips program for undergraduates which promotes and rewards demonstrated leadership. AWIB also serves on various tasks forces and boards to promote the inclusion of minority and women owned businesses and professionals.


Asian Women In Business has many programs throughout the year. They sponsor three major annual events: Procurement Opportunities Conference, Corporate Asian Women's Leadership Conference and the AWIB Annual Leadership Dinner and Awards Ceremony. In between these major events, AWIB has frequent skills building workshops, seminars, conferences and networking opportunities, addressing a wide range of issues and conducted by industry experts. They cover such topics as public speaking, marketing, public relations, starting a business, and more.  AWIB works with other organizations and have a number of co-sponsored programs that are beneficial to our members.

AWIB also has a Scholarship Fund, designed to encourage and support leadership among Asian women college students. The scholarship is awarded to those special women who will be our leaders of tomorrow.